Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It's been a few days

Ok so you can smack me it's been a few days since I posted. Almost a week actually. Yikes. But a lot has went on in that week. Hoy was laid off for a whopping 5 hours then got his job back. I finally got to go to the chiropractor. And OMG do I feel better after just one visit. He said I was pretty kinked up so I need to keep going for a while but thats no big deal if it gets rid of my pain. And my mood has improved since I'm not hurting so bad anymore. It's amazing what pain can do to you.

While I still hurt my mood is probably 80% better. I still get snappy when I get aggravated but I don't jump straight to yelling and rage. I have my first appointment with the psychologist tomorrow morning. So I'm looking forward to seeing what she can do to help me. Then I go back to the chiropractor on Friday morning. Not sure what I'm going to do about a baby sitter for that morning but I'll figure something out. I always do.

Hoy's hours have been cut so I'll be getting a part time job hopefully so that I can help suppliment our income until he goes back to his normal schedual. I'm hoping to find something really flexible so that I can still spend time with him and we can get the projects done around the house that we have been wanting to get done.

Thats really all I can think of right now. I'll update after my appointment tomorrow and let everyone know how crazy I am. Lol

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