Thursday, January 19, 2012

The simple things.

Sometimes it really is the simple things that make you feel good about yourself. Last night Hoy watched Angelica and let me go out with some friends. It was awesome. It was the break that I was needing. Me time.

Now he also gave me some money and told me to buy something for myself. What? For me? Umm I don't just buy things for myself. I get clothes. But thats it. I don't really get things that aren't a necessity. The most "luxury" that I allow myself is I spend $5 every now and then and do an at home manicure. But thats not often. So I had my money and was looking at all the awesome things that I would love to have. Walking around looking at hair stuff and makeup. Then I smelled something that I absolutely loved. So my friend Dee and I start picking up bottles of perfume and smelling them. They all smelled good. But none of them were exactly what I was smelling. Then the VERY last bottle. Picked it up and smelled. O...M...G thats it. Look at the bottle. Sex in the City. The name of this one. Sexy. How frickin perfect is that? It makes me feel sexy. Something that doesn't happen. EVER. I'm a mom Mom's aren't supposed to be sexy. Or are they? I guess that in the sea of being a Mom and the depression and anxiety I forgot that I AM sexy. Maybe not in the sence that most people view sexy but you know what the only thing that really matters is that my husband finds me sexy. Everyone else can bite me.

I have a feeling today is going to be a good day.

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